Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meeting Again

Well, meeting #3 is tonight. Hopefully more than one person will show up this time. I'm going to post some flyers around campus in a little while. Having no class until 2:30 (or skipping the 1:00 class so that the only one left is at 2:30) makes things easier to get done....if I'm not too lazy to actually go post them.

IT'S HALLOWEEN IN A FEW DAYS!!!! WOO!!!! I love Halloween. It's so much fun! And it conveniently falls on Homecoming at Southern-Nowhere-Arkansas College! So there's a football game (meh) on Saturday, and the boyfriend and I are going to go see the Homeocming musical, Scrooge. It's going to be awesome! I usually never pay to go to these shows, but after seeing the preview in chapel, I /had/ to go see it. It looks incredible! Plus, I've nearly finished my Draco costume, but ties are so friggen expensive! Plus they don't have one in green and silver stripes. Oh wells.

Still working on the Slytherin scarf. Instead of finishing it for this weekend, I'm going to stick the stiches on a holder or two and pin it on, then keep working on it until it's as long as the Hogwarts scarves in the Goblet of Fire. I can't find a good picture to show, but basically after wrapping the things around their necks twice, the scarves from the later movies still hang down to their ankles. It's madness, and I'm totally going to do it! Bwuahahahaa!!!!!!.....ahem....anywho, YAY HALLOWEEN!

Oh! And be sure to clicky on the links to other knitting! I add them on here because they're made of win!

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